case studies

Scaled a Health and Wellness Brand to 7-figures in Monthly Google Ads


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Jackson Blackledge
CEO of
Trusted by 100+ brands

Case Study Breakdown

In this case study, we examine the strategic transformation of one our brand's Google ads efforts.

Which netted them a dramatic increase in revenue and efficiency.

Before (August)

Spend: AUD $17.3k

Revenue: AUD $267k

After (Scaling Period)

Spend: AUD $94k

Revenue: AUD $1.19M/mo

Initial Challenges

They approached us with several pressing issues:

  • Lack of Segmentation: The company's advertising strategy did not differentiate between brand and non-brand traffic, leading to inefficient spending and missed opportunities for broader market penetration.
  • Insufficient Prospecting Traffic: Most traffic and revenue were generated from branded terms, with minimal efforts directed toward prospecting new customers. They were hitting the glass ceiling of the brand-aware puddle they were tapping in to.
  • Stagnant Google Ads Performance: Despite scaling efforts on social media platforms like Facebook, Google Ads spending and performance lagged behind expectations.

Strategic Overhaul

Our approach to revamping their advertising strategy involved several key steps:

Brand vs Non-brand Segmentation

  • Campaign Separation: We created distinct campaigns for brand and non-brand traffic to better allocate resources and measure performance.
  • Negative Keyword Lists: To enhance prospecting campaigns, we implemented branded negative keyword lists.
  • Brand Protection: Introduced search campaigns specifically designed to protect and promote the brand.

Boosting Prospecting Traffic

  • New Search Campaigns: Launched targeting high-intent non-branded terms.
  • Dynamic Search Ads (DSA): Utilized to uncover valuable search terms with favorable CPA and ROAS.
  • YouTube Campaigns: Leveraged YouTube shorts and client-provided video assets for broader reach.
  • Demand Generation Initiatives: Focused on creating and capitalizing on new customer demand.

Scaling for Success

  • Merchant Center Optimization: Improved product listings to attract new audiences via shopping ads.
  • Advanced Features: Implemented seller ratings and proactive promotions scheduling to enhance visibility and attractiveness.
  • Prospecting Campaign Expansion: Intensified testing of various targeting and bidding strategies across different campaign types.

Blueprint for Success: Steal this for your brand

Campaign Segmentation:

- Clearly differentiate between brand and non-brand efforts to optimize spending and targeting.

Enhance Prospecting Efforts:

- Expand the use of DSAs, YouTube campaigns, and demand generation strategies to reach new audiences.

Optimize Merchant Center:

- Regularly update product listings and utilize advanced features to improve shopping ad performance.

Strategic Campaign Scaling:

- Continuously test and adjust prospecting campaigns to maximize reach and ROAS.

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Scaling Your Favorite eCommerce Brands To The Highest Levels Through Google & YouTube Ads.

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